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Friday, July 15, 2011

One of "those" days...

Raise your hand if you've ever had one of "those" crafting days where it seems everything {plus one} works against you ? {Umm...in case you're wondering, yeah both of my hands are raised}  Three words can sum up my 'one of those days' experiece: WHAT. A. MESS.  

Perhaps a few pictures would help? :)

This would be the black embossing powder that flew everywhere, OOPS! 
I do NOT recommend spilling super fine embossing powder, HA!  To say it's everywhere is an understatement.  Note to self: before blowing on a piece of paper to make sure there aren't any stray grains, make sure there isn't an entire tray full of the excess that can {and most certainly will} take flight.   
This is what happens when you *think* you heat embossed enough because you're in a hurry for dinner.  Think again! :)
I also ended up wasting using an entire sheet of 12 x 12 card stock for a 5" (almost) square piece, I had to cut my image twice (some pieces three times) because I wasn't paying attention to the sizing, and I didn't cut the base of the card properly so it ended up opening differently than I had hoped.  

Honestly, by the end of this 3-hour card I was laughing so hard about the ridiculous-ness of the situation my husband thought I delirious.  Maybe I should have stayed out of the craft room today?  

Nah. It was worth it! :)  Just please tell me that I'm not the only one raising my hand(s)?  :)

P.S.  Oh, of course I'll show you the card....tomorrow!  It's ADORABLE!